Celebrate Teachers: May 6–May 10

What teachers really want for teacher appreciation week. (And what they don’t want.)

Quick: What was the name of your first-grade teacher?

Who was the best English teacher you ever had?

Do you remember a person at school who said: I believe in you?

Chances are high you can answer one (or all!) of these questions. Why? Because teachers leave a lasting impression on us, one that extends well past our youth. They inspire us, encourage us, and help shape us into the adults we are today.

With that in mind, let’s love on the teachers in our (or our kids’) lives in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week.

What teachers really want for teacher appreciation week.

4 things teachers actually want for teacher appreciation:

1.Gift Cards

Walmart, Amazon, Target, or even a Visa cash card—you can’t go wrong with a gift card. It might seem impersonal, but that’s okay. Most teachers would rather have a gift card over another scented candle, box of candy, or “best teacher” mug.

2.Restaurant Certificates

Does Mr. English have a Starbucks latte on his desk every Friday? Bring him a gift card! (And maybe a latte to go with it.) Teachers deserve a treat, but let’s let them choose how they want to spend their calories. Gift cards to Starbucks, Dunkin’, or even your local wine bar are always appreciated.

A heartfelt thank you note from you—and your child—will go a long way this teacher's appreciation week.

3.Thoughtful Thank Yous

Great teachers truly just want to be acknowledged for all their hard work. A heartfelt thank you note from you—and your child—will go a long way. Bonus points if there’s a gift card inside. (Are you sensing a theme?)

4.Massage or Spa Credits

If your child is especially *enthusiastic* (e.g., causes a lot of stress), it might be a good idea to set their teacher up with a relaxing spa treatment or massage. Grab a (you guessed it) gift card from a local establishment and give your favorite teacher space to take a deep breath and forget about the classroom for a little while.

Here’s what you should absolutely NOT purchase for the teachers in your life:

  • Sweets (unless they ask)

  • Mugs

  • Anything teachery (sweaters, ornaments, jewelry)

  • School supplies (unless they ask)

Are you a teacher? From all of us at Signs by Tomorrow, thank you! We hope you feel spoiled and refreshed this May. Summer is just around the corner!

Need custom signage for the classroom or the teachers in your life? Give us a call!


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