Giving Back: Why Corporations Should Do Good

If you own a business, chances are high you’ve been approached about sponsoring a fundraising event, donating services or products in-kind, or having your employees volunteer a shift at a non-profit.

Maybe you said yes, maybe you didn’t. But maybe you also thought: Why should I?

Glad you asked.

Good for your community

We’ll start with the obvious: Perhaps the best thing about giving back is that it’s good for the world, and good for your world. 

Offering non-profit rates to a local food pantry helps them do more with their donated dollars, feed more hungry neighbors, and eradicate food insecurity. 

Giving a portion of profits to a local chapter of Habitat for Humanity funds a home for a family that desperately needs a roof over their head.

Sponsoring a fundraiser that gives leadership opportunities to underprivileged youth gets at-risk kids off the street and directly shapes the future leadership of the community.

Investing in your area in some way, shape, or form helps make this earth–and your own backyard–a better place. 

Good for your brand

Businesses don’t have to be entirely altruistic when it comes to giving back: It’s also good for the company brand. 

Whether you’re a local mom-and-pop or a fortune 500 company, it pays to do good. The latest research shows that “82% of shoppers want a consumer brand’s values to align with their own,” so caring about the environment, animals, immigrants, and so many other issues could inspire clients to pick you over the competition. 

A note of caution: people can tell when you aren’t being genuine. Don’t choose a cause you don’t believe in simply to get consumer buy-in—they’ll see right through it. 

Good for your team

Never underestimate the power of unity. 

Staff that volunteer together in a meaningful way are more likely to stay at your organization. Corporate volunteer work has been proven to boost employee engagement and overall job satisfaction.

Good for your network

Rubbing shoulders with community leaders at fundraisers like golf outings or fancy galas is sure to improve your network. You’ll meet passionate politicians, like-minded entrepreneurs, and potential clients—facetime you can’t put a price on. 

Good for your soul 

Ultimately, donating time, money, and resources to a worthy cause will bring purpose to your life. Owners and employees alike will feel motivated to see their company succeed, knowing that their efforts will make the world a little bit brighter. 

And on those days when you feel uninspired by your job? Remind yourself that a nonprofit considers you a hero. 

Signs by Tomorrow in Elgin is a proud supporter of Food for Greater Elgin and Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley, and others. If you’re not sure where to start giving back, both of these organizations are great ones! And when you need to send a giant check for a photo op, give us a call. 


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