What Your Exterior Says About Your Business

Have you ever met someone who offered a wide grin, but all you could see was the spinach in their teeth? Or have you purchased a book based solely on its cover? Worse, did you NOT purchase a home because you didn’t like the exterior, only to regret it when someone else moved in and transformed the outside?

Like it or not, first impressions—and outer appearances—matter.

When was the last time you took a good, hard look at the exterior of your business? What impression are you making on first-time customers?

1. Check the landscaping.

If the space outside your business is overgrown, weed-infested, or downright barren, you have a problem. Customers are drawn to places that are warm and inviting, and landscaping is a huge factor in creating that environment.

Hire a professional landscaper if you have the budget. If not, roll up your sleeves and put some sweat into the flower beds around your business.

Is your storefront in a concrete jungle? Install some sidewalk planters! Never underestimate the power of petunias when it comes to drawing foot traffic.

PS. Landscaping duties change in winter, but they don’t disappear. Don’t neglect to shovel your sidewalk and salt for ice.

2. Inspect for peeling paint, mold, dirty windows, and other signs of shabbiness.

It’s time to audit your exterior: Is the paint chipped? Are there cobwebs on the sign? Visible mildew on the storefront awning? Any one of these factors is enough to make a potential client reconsider your wares.

Pro tip: If you can’t manage to see your building with fresh eyes, ask a friend to perform the audit for you. Give them permission to be brutally honest.

3. Examine your signage.

Here’s the big question: what does your exterior signage say about your business? Ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Is it faded

  • Is it accurate (opening hours, etc.)?

  • Does it reflect your current brand?

  • Is it legible?

  • Is it dated?

  • Can you read it at night?

A faded sign signals that business is bad, and signs with bad information tell your customers you don’t care enough about their time to provide accurate details. A new rebrand or an old, outdated sign are always reasons for fresh signage, as is one that’s text-heavy or riddled with tiny fonts.

As for reading at night? That could be as simple as changing a lightbulb. If that’s the case, do it. Right now.

PS. Landscaping duties change in winter, but they don’t disappear. Don’t neglect to shovel your sidewalk and salt for ice.

The bottom line is: Looks matter. Inspire confidence in your customers by creating a welcoming exterior that’s going to get noticed.

Time for a sign refresh? Give us a call or get a quote.


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